
Feb 19, 2007

Will someone tell me what the hell a non-binding recommendation is? It sounds like a high-fa looted way to cover your ass. While kudos's go to congress for reprimanding, or whatever they call it, Bush's plan to increase the troops, it is non-binding, which in essence, means nanny nanny boo boo.

Its hard to think of Bush these days without also thinking of a ball bat, and an iron pipe. Is there nothing that will pierce his grandiose thoughts about the middle east? Now his drawers are in an uproar over Iran. Seems I remember a time when Iraq and Iran were at each other's throats. And for some odd reason, seems I was backing Iraq, as Iran had held the US embassy hostage for a long, long time.

Why don't we get the hell out of the middle east? It is a senseless waste of time, effort, money, and not to mention our greatest assets, the troops that are dying daily because of this whole mess?

I really think Bush is going to be remembered in history as one of the worst presidents this country has ever had. I would much prefer he get blow-jobs from every intern in the white house than continue our involvement in Iraq, and what soon will probably be Iran. Why don't we just annex the whole damn area as a United States territory? Looks to me that's what were trying to do anyway. Then we can send a bunch of missionaries over there to convert the infidel to good ole southern Baptists.

Its like a black cloud that hangs over the whole nation. Bush's smog.

1 comment:

The Future Was Yesterday said...

Will someone tell me what the hell a non-binding recommendation is?
Ever been whipped with a wet noodle? That's the harsh version of a non binding resolution.

Why don't we get the hell out of the middle east?

Because this is not a war about terrorism, as much as it's proclaimed to be. This is a Fundamentalist Religious war...and both sides act exactly alike.

Bush's smog.
Very well put!!