
Dec 8, 2006

Santa, if you can't find the model I asked for in the previous entry, well, this would make a great substitute. The same conditions apply. And this one doesn't even have to have hair!! The voice, though, it must be the talking model. (I'll let you know what I want it to say.) I already know what to pull to make it talk.
There is something so sensual about a totally bald man. Well, not totally bald, just the head. Well, let me elaborate...oh, hell, you know what I mean.


BRUNO said...

So THAT was the "secret" my Dad would never tell me---Bald really WAS hot!

Unknown said...

Oh, yeah!!

Spadoman said...

Damn, and I thought a full head of hair, gray, at my age was a bonus. I'm shavin' right now! :-)

BRUNO said...

Yeah, women call that gray of ours "high-lighting"! And PAY for it!