Life has been going rather smoothly of late. It's a little scary for a worry wort like me. I keep waiting for the @#$@ to hit the fan.
My doctor changed my medication yet again. This time I was given a starter pack for Lamictal. I have taken it before, but every time you start this drug you have to slowly increase your dose. There is a slight risk of getting a life-threatening rash with this medication. Of course, whenever you read life-threatening, it does give you pause. However, the incidence of this rash is very small, and even the common aspirin has been associated with gastrointestinal bleeding.
I did not like the Risperadal at all. I felt woozy, and as my therapist put it, looked and acted foggy. I take everything she says with a grain of salt. Especially the foggy part.
In other news, my son is home. It is good to have him back. I also have a few house guests, as usual. The neighborhood kids stopped by last night to tell us something about "sucking balls". I jumped their ass about it, but did it do any good? No. They drive my son to distraction. They love him unconditionally, and follow him around like puppies. I look forward to the day when he has his own litter. HA!