
Sep 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Linda Jean

Today is my sister Linda's birthday. I can't remember how old she is, and she probably can't either!! Ha! A little funny there. The older you get though the harder it is to remember your age. Really. If someone asks you how old you are for some reason you have to stop and think a second or two. If I could I would give the flowers above to Linda Jean, but she lives in California, which is a good distance from Hamtown.

The last time I saw Linda was, oh, Lord, let me must have been in 2000, I think. We had a good time, I know that, and I got to meet her husband, Hank, who is, I swear, I'm not making it up, an Indian Chief.

Whenever you are around Linda, you are going to laugh. She just has this wonderful way about her that magnifies the humor in any given situation. I wish I lived next door to her. But I don't, so I'll just say Happy Birthday and hello to all the children and grandchildren.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday to her!

Spadoman said...

From the little I know about you, I think you'd make people laugh too! Happy Birthday Linda. Happy Life, Deb.
