
Apr 7, 2008


I like to use somewhat colorful language. Or spicy language, if you will. Oh, hell, every so often I rip out a few good ones, just to illustrate my point of view. I had no idea I cursed that much.

I really have no feelings about it though. I write the way I talk, without the WV drawl, most of the time anyway. I got this from Future, and was a little surprised that I cursed more than him. Not that I'm making a judgment here, but I am a gentile southern lady. Ahem.
The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
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I took an IQ test. Don't take takes you to advertising sites for about 20 minutes. But, I am pleased with the result, even though they claim it is not accurate. Mine was 134. I must be getting smarter.

Apr 6, 2008

More words of wisdom from you-know-who!!

"I can press when there needs to be pressed; I can hold hands when there needs to be -- hold hands." --George W. Bush, on how he can contribute to the Middle East peace process, Washington, D.C., Jan. 4, 2008

So, George, can we hold hands now?

"I don't particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it." --George W. Bush, Crawford, Texas, Nov. 10, 2007

I don't know what he's saying either. Maybe if someone actually put the words in his mouth, they would come out better.

"All I can tell you is when the governor calls, I answer his phone." --George W. Bush, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 25, 2007

I knew he had a day job....

"I fully understand those who say you can't win this thing militarily. That's exactly what the United States military says, that you can't win this military." --George W. Bush, on the need for political progress in Iraq, Washington, D.C., Oct. 17, 2007

And who listens to them??

"You know, when you give a man more money in his pocket -- in this case, a woman more money in her pocket to expand a business, it -- they build new buildings. And when somebody builds a new building somebody has got to come and build the building. And when the building expanded it prevented additional opportunities for people to work." --George W. Bush, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3, 2007

Ah, could you repeat that please? Is it something about those women again? No, its about those contractors, and the jobs they create. Damn!

"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way." --George W. Bush, Martinsburg, W. Va., July 4, 2007

Gee, seems it happened just yesterday, doesn't it?

"My relationship with this good man is where I've been focused, and that's where my concentration is. And I don't regret any other aspect of it. And so I -- we filled a lot of space together." --George W. Bush, on British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Washington, D.C., May 17, 2007

And produced a lot of hot air..

"What I'm telling you is there's too many junk lawsuits suing too many doctors." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 10, 2007

What exactly is a "junk" lawsuit?

"There are jobs Americans aren't doing. ... If you've got a chicken factory, a chicken-plucking factory, or whatever you call them, you know what I'm talking about." --George W. Bush. Tipp City, Ohio, April 19, 2007

Ah, no, we don't. My dream job, working in a chicken-plucking factory, or whatever it's called...

"One of my concerns is that the health care not be as good as it can possibly be." --George W. Bush, on military benefits, Tipp City, Ohio, April 19, 2007

I almost understand this one.

"And so, General, I want to thank you for your service. And I appreciate the fact that you really snatched defeat out of the jaws of those who are trying to defeat us in Iraq." --George W. Bush, to Army Gen. Ray Odierno, Washington, D.C., March 3, 2008

You know, you read enough of these and they almost make a weird kind of sense. Ummm, no, they don't.

I got these from

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Apr 4, 2008


I am so glad I don't have to set with pen and paper. I would never do more than doodle little flowers. I don't know what is up with me, but there is nothing I really want to write about. Well, there is, but I'm not too sure I want to just yet. I have forsaken the news. It is too depressing. I wish I could get passionate about politics, but I can't. I don't see any candidate out there that is going to make any significant changes. It will take four years to undo the crap George leaves behind. If Al Gore had taken a chance, I might be passionate. The man who should be president.

Anyway, I know I'll catch hell for supporting Al Gore, and I don't give a damn!!

Here is a picture that a nice gentile lady sent me. I will share with you.